Saturday, June 27, 2009

An Unforgettable Day In My Life^^

of course!! it was my 19th birthday!!hahaa....i can't forget it!! officially joining the "Auntie Association",hahahaha!!! sincerely thanks to all of you who celebrated my birthday for me!! i could vividly remembered that the moment the door was opened, the song was sang and my beloved housemates and friends entering my room with a cake with candles glittered in the dark....and it was totally AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! i saw faces in a sudden, i hadn't prepared for that actually although i knew they were going to celebrate for was under my expectation because i saw Seow Fern went out mysteriously, Keoh Ying went up and down, and asking me to turn my music's volume very cover the chattering of the friends awaiting downstairs =p i felt nervous, scared(almost planned to close the door,lol)trembling all the!! but the feeling was GREAT!! haha^^

and i know all of you are very thoughtful and considerate, present me a fan, hoping i won't suffer anymore insomnia due to the heat in my room...(i felt touched!).and is very hot indeed in my room, which most of the people sweating non-stopped, hurried to escape from the "human oven" in my room...haha....and then we celebrated, eating cakes, was simple, and i hoped everyone was enjoying it(although it was hot)...following that, we took pictures....grouped!! Gorgeous!!! i saw it in Ming Chai's blog with a touching,thanks again and again and again^^

and some people weren't able to attend the simple party,however,i got the wishes in my heart....some people wished me secretly, i knew it,perhaps the person hoped i wasn't knowing it...=p anyway, felt gratitute even a simple wish was addressed to me...haha!!

again....i wanna mention it at here...that night....i was overjoyed, totally in cloud nine, and....and....insomnia was because....I COULDN'T STOP LAUGHING.... UNTIL 3AM!!!!!!!!!!! and the next day.....still in high mode....laugh till 2am!!! cheers =D

Saturday, June 13, 2009

mY hOlIdaY

so long time i hadn't update my blog....this time i gonna talk about my one-week holiday...sounds's a simple one, but a warm one for me...
i went to Malacca again,visit my maternal grandma,haha...she is so skinny and her skin is just so thin and it is filled with water instead of fatty layer...perhaps,a diabetic patient couldn't eat any food as she wished, that's why i felt happy when she told us that she was hungry...and of course,i don't mind to have "double dinner"..accompanied her to eat one more time..haha =p

my holiday....a lazy one...i planned to study actually,but whenever i glanced at the books,those formulas,i frowned. i still can't get rid of the stress after my exam. i know the cruel results are awaiting me to receive and accept when the school reopen real soon. i wonder,how much tears i'll shed once i know my marks..or perhaps none?i couldn't imagine,i had tried my best,just the severe insomnia bothered me throughout the whole exam week. Due to that particular reason,my proccessor turned slow,my response was extremely slow last week,time management went poor,i couldn't finish most of my exam papers. i knew it,i knew it would happened,because i couldn't sleep.i just can't help it...was depressed but trying to be tough..should have change a study technique next time...sigh...

LET BYGONE BE BYGONE...i've tried my best,pushed myself hard enough,the rest,depends on FATE..i don't want insomnia anymore!!!!!
awww.....why am i drag myself to such unhappy memory? come back to my holiday...tomorrow i will go to my student house again,i won't use the word "go back" because i don't feel its a real home for me...the word "back" sounds awkward to fit in. i wanna STICK AT MY HOME!!!!
so nice to chat with my family this week,especially chatted with my mom until 4am....until my dad went upstairs and warned both of us, the cock was 'singing" to the whole world, that morning had arrived,and yet,the two of us still chatting non-stop...ahaha...scolded but a nice one....^^

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Birthday Boy =p

ahhaa..when talk about Birthday boy.....i guess the first one who comes to our mind would be Gary.....i was totally entertained when i watched those videos.....the scene of throwing cake on him in House 142 and the video that Miss Say captured.....they were so funny....especially the toilet bowl that Miss Chan presented him....when i watched the video in the lecture theater...i guess everyone was laughing out loud...... another one....the blowing of candles....ahha....the magic candles...he kept on blowing,but the candles kept in glowing...and the way he blew the people said that when he blew the candles,he would open both of his arms widely like a bird...when he wasn't blowing, his hands were closed.....i didn't notice that...i would pay more attention on it next time i watch it...hahaa =p

here comes to another one.....the cute guess he too felt funny for the present which he thought it might be a prank...=p but it was just a book that he couldn't open it through side way....well.....this made an interesting scenario to engineering class 1,and left a sweet memory to all of them....cherish them up!!haha.....^^

Our MeMoriE$

recently therre were quite a lot of things happened......of course,the more serious one--sin yong fell down from his that moment i got the news,i was wondering,why did so many unhappy things happened on him lately....all the best sin yong!!!!
another thing is that our Miss Prema is not going to teach us anymore......frankly speaking,she is not bad...certainly,many of us can see her efforts,she was giving out notes...she tried her best to explain to us more can i say??? In my opinion....perhaps we are not yet adapt to her way of teaching.....i'm doubtful....@_@
well well......last week we went to a poetry....and i was totally impressed by George,an always-spontaneous poet,his performance was very interesting....he described himself as a lazy poet...he always do things halfway.....ahha....fortunately i was sitting quite far away from him...i was so scared that his "magic" finger would point on me and i have to continue any part of his poem.....besides,his vocab...of course,those long long words were magnificent to me as he joined all of them together and spoke it loud and fast and with a special tone...(^,^) and i had it recorded throughout his whole performance...he wasn't reading...he was "singing"!!haha....
to me.....a poet can be very ROMANTIC and AGGRESSIVE...huhu...

Monday, April 13, 2009

when to finish all my works??

one month post once, sigh......always forget to write my blog....
recently,there are a lot of works await to be done..i really hope i have more than one brain,and not only a pair of hand(i'll become an ALIEN =o)...
Ming Chai promoted someone's blog last time,saying that Siew Wen's blog (Archi class) worth a read...i haven't found her blog until now....
i can guess why her blog is so high lexis^^,because she has a vocab book which she writes herself,and unlike us,she always refer to that book,she will read it once she has the time...she is indeed hardworking and in fact,she is a very nice girl...hehe...=) Siew Wen ah,praise you leh..=) she didn't know i too promote her here...xixi....
not much time to linger here,....have to continue my work again....sigh......everyone,gambate for next week's tests!!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

No More Cry ok.......

hm.........suffer from stress these few many things that happened and mess up my emotion.i have tried so hard to keep silent when i was make no one notice.....but when the attention is put on me......sigh...feel very shy oh....
whenever i feel depress,there are people who come and comfort me......thank you so much.....really,that is also why sometime,i feel i'm very troublesome,always make people worry about me....that's more crying cheerful face ok??.....talking to myself...haha..
today just finish my presentation, i could still remember,before it reached my turn,i was so nervous,the face i guess,sure looked like a paper....and i think our marks are reasonable,because....yea.....the documentary is not really informative,most of the time is more on visual parts....and somehow,this is what we can do actually....this topic is too new,we can't find the exact statistics from internet....
and yea....again......we the "wonder girls" not have any experience in producing such a "high-tech" job,besides an unforgettable experience,we did learn a lot of things....somehow,i felt at least we learnt i already know how to edit a simple movie...haha.....i can combine my idol's photos and make a special dedication video to my idol...haha.....(syok myself)...=p
well.....long time didn't post anything,this time have to post pretty much....hhaa.....
anyway,still thanks to my friends.....^^ all of you make me feel warm and sweet.....feel kinda grateful to be in this class......^^

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Project Work~ the documentary

Ahha......long time didn't write any post already,because of the lame internet line in my student house....=p
hm......we started our project work about one or two weeks ago(can't remember already,my brain is always blank....X_X), and i found it pretty interesting to interview people or the public. i could still remember that we did not have any experience in doing such thing,the first "victim" was quite funny, he wasn't willing to be interviewed actually,he walked at very fast pace,and all of us were "chasing" him....hahhaha....that's funny....
well,we did face a number of problems when doing this project,some people were not being co-operative,there were alot of guessing and i think what appeared in those people's mind was that "Are these four girls going to rob us?" ,"Is this a trick?"..they felt fear i guess.
We met alot of people,and the attitudes of those people were different. In fact,i always think about going to the shopping malls to see how the people live,their pace in the city,their minds ,and i think this is a good chance for me to check it out.
And what's terrible for me was that, we made a deal with one guy in order to make an interview with him. We were being serious in his part because he is a metrosexual guy that we think can definitely help us alot in this project. However,he wasn't behave as what we expected, he was not being serious and even thought that we claimed to made a project in order to approach him deliberately. It was ridiculous, and what's more was that i think he was playing a fool with four of us,he mind was distorted i guess and he was a liar! All of us felt so dissapointed and decided to find somebody else instead of him.
hm..........relax relax.....fortunately i did not give the real phone number to him.....ahhaa.......scared scared....